the rundown with robin thede

In just a few episodes, Robin Thede emerged from the writer's room, to the mainstage with her critically acclaimed late night show, The Rundown With Robin Thede. The show garnered praise from the New York Times, Vox, Vanity Fair, The Hollywood Reporter, and more. As Robin started to cultivate an audience, we sought product opportunities to enrich the content experience for her viewers. In leveraging new custom content modules, we were able to boost views of The Rundown's highlights/episodes, and sustain a growing podcast listener base for The Randown Podcast, a post-show round up with celebrity guest interviews.

  • Custom podcast modules made for easy discovery, portability, and sharing

  • Targeted parallax containers made use of our subscriber affinities and browsing habits to drive eyes to The Rundown

  • Video snippet highlight modules helped to put a spotlight on segments of particular note, making them stand out among static content

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custom content


podcast feature container

targeted parallax

video highlight sampler